Byron Software and Services

ByronSoftware for Schools

  Files The product and data is either © ByronSoftware or © Crown copyright and reproduced under the terms of HMSO Guidance Note 8. Extracts may be reproduced for the purpose of research, private study, criticism or review, or by educational institutions solely for educational purposes.

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School Plan Management  Free lite, trial std versions

Schemes of Work  Free

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Pupil Report Management from 10 uk-pounds

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WordFile4Me and TheDict4Me Free / trial versions
upgrade for 10 uk-pounds (volume discounts)

ByronSoftware for Sailing Clubs

We still maintain Sailboat handicaps and provide free an independent handicap/rating calculation for your cruiser, just complete this request form

Bespoke Software and Services

  If you need to automate procedures by using software specially tailored to suit your purpose, or you would just like some independent assistance, then please  contact for more information.
Software access to multi relational database files, data transfer and networking are specialties.
If you intend to procure a product in the UK and need an agent or a senior engineer to assist with a product audit, then we can help. Our experience is predominantly from machine tool, rail traction & paper machine industries, as well as educational establishments.

Location: Bolton, England.
telephone: Overseas(+44) UK(0) 87 199 66268 : calls may be recorded/voicemail

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